

They say don't judge a book by its cover, but I have to admit, I always do.

Among the hundreds of choices presented to me on my pilgrimages to Barnes & Noble, each book only has so much to make a first impression, and in the sea of visual and tactile overload, a well-designed cover is what hooks and reels me in. I'm a huge fiction fan, always on the hunt for a good read, and as much as I'd like to say my book purchases are driven by a respect for content, I'm coaxed time and time again by beautiful covers. The well-designed cover whispers "pick me up, take me home, give me a chance," and for some reason I'm convinced that the content of the book will match the quality of the cover (forgetting, momentarily, how many times I've been wrong about this in the past).

Cover designs have not only informed my spontaneous book purchases, but have also served as rich sources of design & art inspiration and let's just say this is first of many posts to come featuring cover designs.

Enough of my chatter. This week's post features the designs of Trevor Baum. His concepts for Faulkner titles took my breath away. I love how the designs pay respect to the works of both Faulkner and the illustrious photographer Sally Mann. I hope these concepts go to print one day - I would love to have these on my shelf.

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Go check out more of Trevor's Faulkner covers as well as his other beautiful designs on his website; he has some great work!

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